
Monday, March 30, 2009

Happiness is treasury........

and today I have double happiness!

I jumped on Craftopolis this morning and saw 2 treasuries with my photos featured!!

The first, "tribute to my favorites" created by

southamericatraveler features my In Stitches custom greeting cards.


The second is New Horizons, created by

jswrites featuring Raspberry Sunset



Thanks to both of the treasury creators for featuring my photos!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring and babies.........

Spring is such a lovely time of year. A time for renewal of all and I even feel the sense of newness in my soul as the grass begins to push through the old with promise of warmer, sunnier days.


I was pleasantly surprised this morning to find my Wee Baby photo featured in this treasury by LDphotography.

What an adorable collection of Animal Baby Love! Thanks LDphotography:)



With the promise of sunnier, warmer days brings a promise of many more new photos from me. I feel inspired once again and will be shooting much more often:)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Holding on to the past

I have always loved this house as a passerby. The flowers are always beautiful, yard kept, and it always tests my curiosity boundries.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The end of another day

Shorter days mean work harder and faster to get the job done on the farm in the winter. When the sun finally slips behind the mountains, we can snuggle in and rest.

A new feature!

Thanks to tredlightphotographs for featuring my photo in this treasury.



Thanks for featuring my photo!